Simón Elías was born in Logroño in 1975, although he grew up in Trevijano (La Rioja). He is the author of a book about two Aragonese mountaineers of the fifties: Rabadá and Navarro. The impossible cordate (Desnivel, 2007). He regularly writes articles about travel, mountaineering, places and remote characters in specialized magazines such as Desnivel, Grandes Espacios, Pirenaica, Base Camp, Oxygen, Lightning Stone, Montagnes Magazine. He also collaborates with the more generalist press such as Jotdown, El País, El Internazionale or The Independent. And he has led the mountaineering teams of the Spanish Mountain Federation for six years. He currently lives in Chamonix, in the French Alps, and continues to search for the yeti, like everyone else.