Born in Paris in 1909 and died thirty-four years later in Ashford, near London. He entered the Lycée Henri IV and studied philosophy with Alain, later to be professor of philosophy at Paris, Le Puy, Auxerre and Roanne. Militant leftist and committed to the labor movement, in late 1934 temporarily move from education to lead a working life, working in various factories. Participates briefly in the Spanish civil war, the "Durruti Column", then rejoining his teaching, until the worsening of a chronic illness forced her to abandon classes. During World War II, and against their desire to join the Resistance, was intended to bureaucratic services for the Free French work. His solidarity with the French occupied zone leads to refuse to eat more than they ate. This voluntary anorexia worsens newly diagnosed tuberculosis, and died in August 1943 De Simone Weil can be found in the same Editorial: Cluttered Thoughts (1995), The Need for Roots (1996), Letter to a religious (1998), Writings of London last letters (2000), Notebooks (2001), the supernatural knowledge (2003) waiting for God (2004), pre-Christian Insights (2004), the Greek font (2005), followed Poems saved Venice (2006) and the gravity and Grace (2007), along with the biography of Simone Weil Petrement Life (1997).