Stanislas Dehaene

Stanislas Dehaene

Stanislas Dehaene (Roubaix, May 12, 1965) is a French cognitive neuroscientist whose research focuses on topics such as numerical cognition, the neural bases of reading, and the neural correlates of consciousness. As of 2017, he is a professor at the Collège de France and, since 1989, director of the INSERM Unit 562, "Cognitive Neuroimaging".

Dehaene was one of ten people to receive the James S. McDonnell Foundation Centennial Fellowship in 1999 for his work in the "Cognitive Neuroscience of Arithmetic." In 2003, together with Denis Le Bihan, Dehaene received the Grand Scientific Prize of the Louis D. Foundation of the Institut de France. In 2014, together with Giacomo Rizzolatti and Trevor Robbins, he received the "Brain" Prize.

Dehaene is an associate editor of the journal Cognition and a member of the editorial board of several journals, including NeuroImage, PLoS Biology, Developmental Sciences, and Neuroscience of Consciousness.