PhD in film with a thesis on Luchino Visconti at the University of Paris III New Sorbonne. She has been professor of film studies at the University of Lille III and the University of Paris VIII Vincennes Saint-Denis. As a specialist in Visconti and other filmmakers of cinematographic modernity, he has renewed the aesthetic approach of films by analyzing and detailing their relationships with art history. In this line he has dedicated multiple publications to Alain Resnais, Jean-Luc Godard, Jacques Rivette and Jean-Daniel Pollet, among others. With a hybrid approach situated at the points of contact between the arts, his interdisciplinary studies deal particularly with the relations of cinema with sculpture, writing and music. He has devoted himself to the analysis of the artistic connections of auteur cinema, especially in the trilogy of books he wrote in co-authorship with Jean-Louis Leutrat about Pollet, Godard and Resnais.