Estética del movimiento cinematográfico

Estética del movimiento cinematográfico - Suzanne Liandrat-Guigues - ENAC
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Weight: 0.33 g
Soft cover

The arrival of cinema is inscribed, between images and imaginary, in an arrangement that occurs on several levels, through various forms of artistic manifestations, technological inventions or scientific searches, as well as in the nature of the contradictory aesthetic debates that feed the criticism of art in the modern era. In this book, Suzanne Liandrat-Guigues describes the origin and trajectory of the foundation of an aesthetic of the film movement. It proposes theorizations and reflections on "the era of technical reproducibility", of which Walter Benjamin speaks, which are accompanied by the dissertations of Breton, Warburg, Didi-Huberman, Bazin, Malraux, Deleuze and Schefer, without ceasing to refer to the thought and cinematography of Chaplin, Godard, Resnais, Truffaut, De Sica, Varda or Carax.


Book: Estética del movimiento cinematográfico

ISBN: 9786070295232