Born in 1941, he is an internationally recognized Australian activist and author in the field of disclosure of the Centenary of Oil and among the movements in favor of a Transition to a post-oil world. He has been since the late 1970s lecturer at the University of New South Wales (Sydney), where he also held the post of Honorary Associate Professor in Social Work. In addition to managing a space for the practice of permaculture and simple living for information purposes in the vicinity of Sydney, is one of the main referents of the Australian Simplicity Institute. He has published numerous articles in international journals, as well as various books, mainly on the question of sustainability. One of his most well-known and referenced works to date is Renewable Energy Can not Sustain a Consumer Society (2007). Under the name of The Simpler Way, it has developed one of the most complete proposals up to the moment of eco-social transition, detailed in the book that now sees the light in its edition in Castilian, revised and extended for the occasion by the author himself. You can find various articles on Trainer in Iberian languages in www.LaViaDeLaSimplicidad.info, the new website that accompanies this work, the most important of his career and the most important for the future of humanity.