Verónica Gerber

Verónica Gerber

Veronica Gerber Bicecci (Mexico City , 1981 ) is a visual artist who writes. Moving published in 2010 ( Auieo / Ditoria Workshop ) , books of essays that chronicles the transformation of five writers in visual artists. He has exhibited individually and collectively in the Museum of the City of Mexico , the Eco Experimental Museum, the Cultural Center of Spain and the University Museum of Contemporary Art ( MUAC) , among others. Graduated from the bachelor's degree in fine arts from the ENPEG , La Esmeralda and Master of Art History at the UNAM . She is editor in deckchair cooperative issues and has published essays, articles and reviews in various publications.


Third International Aura Estrada Prize for Literature , 2013 .

Honorable Mention in the National Essay Contest Photography organized by the Centro de la Imagen , 2014.