Veronica Stigger (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1973) has lived in São Paulo since 2001. She is a writer, art critic and university professor. He has a doctorate in Art Theory and Criticism from the University of São Paulo (usp) and carried out post-doctoral research at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", at the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo and at the Institute of Language Studies at UNICAMP. She is the author of twelve narrative books: O trágico e outras comédias (2003), Gran Cabaret Demenzial (2007), Os anões (2010), Massamorda (2011), Delírio de Damasco (2012), Opisanie świata (2013), Minha novela (2013), Sur (2013), Nenhum nome é verdade (2016), Sul (2017) and children's books Dora eo sol (2010) and Onde a onça bebe água (2015), co-authored with Eduardo Viveiros de Castro. Opisanie świata, her first novel, received the Machado de Assis, São Paulo and Açorianos awards.