Xavier Bassas

Xavier Bassas

Xavier Bassas is a philosopher, translator and editor. Doctor in French Philology and Philosophy from the University of the Sorbonne-Paris IV and the University of Barcelona, where he currently teaches in the Department of French Studies. His works focus on the study of phenomenology and its relation to language, the translations of contemporary French thought (specializing in the work of J. Rancière, J. Derrida and J.-L. Marion) as well as the making of editions Political character (among other titles: The emancipated spectator, J. Rancière, What does the name of Sarkozy ?, Alain Badiou, Democracy in suspense, G. Agamben, J. Rancière et alii, The time of equality and distances of cinema, J. Rancière, What is the people? A. Badiou, J. Rancière et alii, The thread lost, J. Rancière). Prepare the book La resistència del llenguatge. From phenomenology to politics: Husserl, Derrida i Rancière (forthcoming publication, 2015).