Yves Bruley is a lecturer at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Section of Historical and Philological Sciences) and project manager with the Chancellor of the Institut de France. He is an associate of history and doctor of history of international relations.
His research and teaching at EPHE relate to the history of diplomacy and international relations in the 19th century, in particular the history of administration, institutions and diplomatic practices. He is also a lecturer at the Sorbonne-University and the CNAM. He is a former resident of the Thiers Foundation (CNRS - Institut de France, from 1999 to 2002), project manager and responsible for publications at the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences (2004-2015), lecturer at Sciences Po Paris (2008-2015) and lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Paris-Descartes University (preparation for administrative competitions).
Specialist in the history of French diplomacy, he crosses the methods of administrative history and the history of international relations. He is the author of a thesis on the Quai d'Orsay during the Second Empire and of several books on international relations. He is a member of the management of the Revue d'histoire diplomatique. In 2012, he received the Fondation Napoléon prize for his work Le Quai d'Orsay Imperial (Pedone, 2012). In 2014, he co-organized a symposium on diplomacy at the time of Napoleon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and collaborated on the Dictionary of Foreign Ministers (Fayard, 2005), the Dictionary of the Second Empire (Fayard, 1995) and the Dictionary of Napoleon ( Fayard, 1999) under the supervision of Jean Tulard, to the Historical Dictionary of the annexation of Savoy 1860-2010 (La Fontaine de Siloé, 2010) and to the Historical and Legal Dictionary of Europe (PUF, 2013). He is a member of the French History Society.
He also publishes on the history of secularism, religious and cultural history in the 19th century. In 2002, he organized the fifth centenary of the Trinité-des-Monts, a French establishment in Rome. In 2005, he was responsible for organizing the official centenary of the 1905 Law (mission of the Prime Minister). In this context, he wrote a history of secularism and produced a collection of texts on the law of 1905. He is an expert with the Observatory of secularism (services of the Prime Minister).
From 2011 to 2016, he was a member of the juries of the ENA entrance exams for general culture (contemporary question) and the "grand oral" (interview test).