Javier Morata beginning in 1920 the journey of the family for the book world with the creation of the Minerva Library. The first product was sold by the Encyclopedia Espasa volumes. Five years later be founded Ediciones Morata .
Following his career as a journalist , is related to the intellectuals of the time include: Salvador de Madariaga, Gregorio Marañón , Vital Aza . Also shown is interested in politics ( for two years was Civil Governor of Madrid). These concerns are reflected in the titles published at the beginning of the journey from the publisher among which stand out: Present and future of the UGT in Spain Caballero ,
The Skyline liberalism María Zambrano . The works of Gregorio Marañón , first published in Castilian on conditioned reflexes of Pavlov , and the sexual life of savages Malinowski among many other titles.
The outbreak of the Spanish Civil Wa...read more