Educar en tiempos inciertos

Educar en tiempos inciertos - Mariano Fernández Enguita - Morata
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He spent the time in which individual and collective purposes of education, from the perspective of the student or teacher, were clear or could be taken for granted. The plurality of objectives of the sectors involved, the rapid succession of institutional reforms, uncertainties regarding the professional task - not to speak of individual and collective diversity - increasing demands of freedom and experimentation, supervening multiculturalism or rampant globalization draw a new stage both attractive and menacing, full of opportunities but stuffed full of risks. Social change exceeds the rate of school change; the value of work wobbles in the knowledge society; the right to citizenship is doomed to an inevitable struggle with the limits of the nation state; family and school fail to find the path of dialogue; social criteria of equality and justice are difficult to accommodate in more


Book: Educar en tiempos inciertos

ISBN: 9788471124692
Precio de lista: $245.00
Descuento: 25%