Ecología del miedo

Ecología del miedo - Jens Soentgen - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 185 g
Rustic with flaps

In this book, Jens Soentgen presents the phenomenon of fear of wild animals against humans as a result of our wild environmental policies.

When animals see us, they run away to hide. And although it seems normal, it is an extraordinary phenomenon, surprisingly current. This is stated in this book: the fear of animals against humans is a hallmark of the anthropocene, our era. And this fear has ecologically significant negative consequences. Systematic killing of animals by humans not only wreaks havoc on the balance of ecosystems, but also transforms and corrupts the behavior and habits of survivors.

In this direct and powerful essay, Jens Soentgen reveals the phenomenon of fear of wild animals against human beings - a sign of our dominion over nature - and proposes some possibilities for action for reconciliation. For Soentgen, the reduction of fear and anxiety in wild more


Book: Ecología del miedo

ISBN: 9788425443206
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 30%