Abrir la mano del pensamiento

Fundamentos de la práctica del budismo Zen

Abrir la mano del pensamiento - Kosho Uchiyama - Kairós
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Book size:
Weight: 200 g
Soft cover

This book describes the practice of zazen with unusual clarity and simplicity. The many examples from everyday life that Master Uchiyama draws on show that Zen, far from being an otherworldly path, is about honestly discovering who we are and developing our full potential in daily activities. The keys lie in what the author describes as the return to an experience prior to mental elaborations –which prevent us from living life in all its dimensions– and the trust in our intimate being, beyond complications and competences. In addition to explanations about the posture and the bases of meditation, this work includes the famous farewell speech as abbot of the Antaiji temple, in which Uchiyama synthesizes his experience and his teachings. A great book for the Buddhist practitioner and especially for those who have yet to find a Zen master.

Category: All >> Religion >> Oriental

Book: Abrir la mano del pensamiento

ISBN: 9788472457317
Precio de lista: $590.00
Descuento: 15%