Adolf Eichmann

Adolf Eichmann - Bettina Stangneth - Edhasa
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Hard cover

Until the trial in Jerusalem began in 1961, Adolf Eichmann was unknown to the public. And those who were familiar with his name preferred to forget it. It was understandable: the survival of a witness and key actor in the extermination of the Jews during World War II went against the strategy of overcoming the past through denial and concealment of it. But when the figure of Eichmann comes to light, the history of Nazism changes. The judicial process opens new avenues of investigation. His role in the final solution is discovered, the way in which he escaped to Argentina in the early fifties and the network of complicities that allowed him to live in relative peace there for almost a decade.

However, until the appearance of this extraordinary book by Bettina Stangneth, it was thought that Adolf Eichmann had abandoned any militancy in favor of national socialism, that he had more

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Book: Adolf Eichmann

ISBN: 9788435027557
Precio de lista: $765.00
Descuento: 10%