Alianza terapéutica con familias

Cómo empoderar al cliente en los casos difíciles

Alianza terapéutica con familias -  AA.VV. - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Rustic with flaps

A practical manual for psychotherapists, workers and social educators or mental health professionals who work with difficult family cases and seek specific resources to improve the safety, autonomy and independence of their clients.

Family therapy poses a challenge to both family members and the therapist. The professional often encounters difficult situations and many clients feel pressured or forced to therapy. In addition, the need to deliberately balance alliances with multiple family members to help achieve therapeutic goals presents itself as a challenge. The more complex, reluctant or conflicting a family is, the more essential it will be to create strong alliances with each person and with the family unit as a whole.

This book presents new and powerful tools for professionals who work with difficult cases and who seek to achieve the autonomy, individuality and more


Book: Alianza terapéutica con familias

ISBN: 9788425441684
Precio de lista: $1,200.00
Descuento: 30%