Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, the sole support of his family after his father's death and happy to help his sister continue with her violin lessons, one day threatens, after a stormy dream, to turn into a huge insect, but without his soul being transformed, full of goodness. This metamorphosis causes him to cause disgust among those around him, forcing him to sleep under the bed fleeing from the gaze of his mother, sister and all those who feel ashamed of having such a hideous insect at home, which feeds on garbage, only a humble old woman takes care of him and talks to him until his death, caused by his own mother who hurts him. In the masterful pages of the metamorphosis, through the protagonist, the tender and terrible irony of the brilliant Czech writer is revealed. It is Kafka's first extensive work, the events occur in a petty bourgeois environment, among people who want t...read more