Apología del polvo

Apología del polvo - Arnoldo Kraus - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 280.7 g
Hard cover

Here again we have an ideal example of an illustrated book. For the fourth time, the pencils of Arnoldo Kraus and Vicente Rojo meet. As in a concert of improvisation, each one of the authors speaks to us, with their language, of the dust - origin of man and of the universe - through their looks, wise and smiling. Each page gives us a joyful counterpoint between written poetry and graphic poetry. The game is ready, just open the covers of the book, which we will always close with the comfort "of the star dust of a song."


Book: Apología del polvo

ISBN: 9786079436803
Precio de lista: $270.00
Descuento: 15%