Archivos y derechos humanos

Archivos y derechos humanos - Ramon Alberch i Fugueras - Trea
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The extraordinary momentum experienced in linking the information contained in files with the defense of human rights is an important event for archival theory and practice, to the extent that reaffirms and replaces the traditional testimonial and evidentiary value of documents and housed in a fully democratic dimension. In this sense, the centrality of policy files in memory retrieval and the processes of transition from authoritarian regimes to democratic systems has been assumed by the media seeking news related to the files and documents every time with a wider reach and visibility. Also, the growing awareness of the professional group and adherence to the principles governing human rights is generating a production and a remarkable public outreach projects, activities and research. For this reason, it seemed advisable to carry out a compilation of all the intense and varied more


Book: Archivos y derechos humanos

ISBN: 9788497043601
Precio de lista: $595.00
Descuento: 25%