
Enciclopedia de las plantas aromáticas y de sus aceites esenciales

Aromaterapia - Danièle Ryman - Kairós
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Book size:
Soft cover

The use of plants to cure diseases is a practice that goes back to the origins of the human being. Aromatherapy, that is, the use of essential aromas, or oil extracted from plants, played a very important role in Hebrew medicine, Arabs and Indians. For the Egyptians it constituted a way of life.

The author of this book has recovered this ancient knowledge, adding all the knowledge acquired over 25 years of personal practice. The reader will find the bases of a pleasant, efficient and affordable therapy. The book also explains the risks that may have, and how we must be careful; In short, how to know the virtues and dangers of the use of each oil.

Aromatherapy is also an encyclopedia, from A to Z, essential oils and plants, where we can find its description, its main constituents, its uses in diseases, in cooking, in beauty, etc.

Aromatherapy, finally includes an more


Book: Aromaterapia

ISBN: 9788472453036
Precio de lista: $660.00
Descuento: 15%