Arqueología de la violencia

Nuevos paradigma en el pensamiento y el lenguaje para la praxis no violenta

Arqueología de la violencia -  AA.VV. - Colofón Editorial
Publisher name: 
Colofón Editorial
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 430 g

This book is part of a research project called History, Violence and Redemption, which is part of the Theology, Hermeneutics and Praxis research line of the Department of Religious Sciences, at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City. It joins the initiative weaving voices for the common house, which provoked academics and social movements in 2015 to think about ways to resist the horror that has befallen us and to contribute to building a world in which many worlds fit, according to the Zapatista proposal. The essays gathered here seek an archaeological approach to the phenomenon of violence, in line with what emerged Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben and René Girard, from a plural and interdisciplinary interpretation. Each of these approaches brings a sharp look at the devices of the biopower (or necropoder, as they will say of the biopower devices (or necropoder, as others will more


Book: Arqueología de la violencia

ISBN: 9786074174694
Precio de lista: $245.00
Descuento: 25%