Ayudar a los padres a ayudar a los hijos

Problemas y soluciones para el ciclo de la vida

Ayudar a los padres a ayudar a los hijos - Giorgio Nardone - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 264 g
Rustic with flaps

Giorgio Nardone and his team provide us the reference manual, quick and clear, for parents who want to modify their counterproductive attitudes and contribute to overcoming the various problems affecting their children.

Helping parents to help their children is a real quick and clear to parents see manual. Provides a map of the relationships between parents and children, covering the entire life cycle of an individual. Displays the obstacles and the most common problems found in this way and the strategies, tactics and techniques that have proven able to overthrow them, overcome them or overcome them. A concrete explanation of the problem solving methods and numerous examples from clinical practice are added.

Parents, assuming the role of "co-therapists", become the first "specialists" in which children should trust. The authors claim that "help parents help their childr...read more


Book: Ayudar a los padres a ayudar a los hijos

ISBN: 9788425433887
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%