Breve pero auténtica historia de la pintura italiana

Breve pero auténtica historia de la pintura italiana -  AA.VV. - Machado Libros
Publisher name: 
Machado Libros
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 435 g

A brief and exciting text, controversial, in which the main axes of the great Italian painting are articulated. Three fundamental protagonists above the most consecrated names: Giotto, Piero de la Francesca, Giovanni Bellini. With them, Paolo Uccello, Antonello da Messina, Miguel Ángel and the great Venetians; Also Caravaggio. The Narration of Longui breaks the pre-established schemes and ventures into an original historical articulation. If something worries you is to look at the works and analyze them in that look: the argument of it dispenses with the external elements and tries to precisely specify the characters of its plasticity.


Book: Breve pero auténtica historia de la pintura italiana

ISBN: 9788477745693
Precio de lista: $320.00
Descuento: 25%