Camino de campo 

Camino de campo  - Martin Heidegger - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 850 g

Leave the garden gate to the Ehnried. At the height of the crucifix twisted into the woods. At the rate 'or the edge, I greet an old oak tree under which there is a rough wooden bench notch. On top of it from time to time was the occasional writings of the great thinkers who tried to decipher a clumsy girl. By the time the puzzles and not crowded out loomed, there was always the path field. The route proposed by Heidegger in 1949, this little writing takes the reader on a path of Messkrich, his hometown, evoking memories of nostalgic anecdotes and milestones which become metaphors originate qu turn transcendental musings. Thus, although the period photographs that accompany this bilingual edition of the text are re-emerge in the imagination of the reader the path I walked past and seem to Heidegger and anchor text in a particular place, the meditations of the philosopher, once beyond more


Book: Camino de campo 

ISBN: 8425423104
Precio de lista: $445.00
Descuento: 30%