Carta sobre los sordomudos

Carta sobre los sordomudos - Denis Diderot - Sequitur
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Twin sister of his Letter on the Blind of 1749, devoted to the relationship between the senses and moral ideas and which earned its author, Denis Diderot (1713-1784), three months in prison after being accused of atheism by the Jesuits - his intellectual rivals in the task of writing the Encyclopedia - this letter of 1751 delves into the terrain of language, of poetic effects, of the problems raised by translation, thus approaching, from rhetoric and the study of the dramatic and poetic value of the word, the configuration of a new discipline: aesthetics and the analysis of the structures of language that condition the relationship between perception, thought and expression.


Book: Carta sobre los sordomudos

ISBN: 9788415707776
Precio de lista: $135.00
Descuento: 25%