Cartas a la familia escritos pediatricos y la defensa maniaca 1911 1939

Obras Completas. Volumen 1

Cartas a la familia escritos pediatricos y la defensa maniaca 1911 1939 - D.W. Winnicott - Pólvora Editorial
Publisher name: 
Pólvora Editorial
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 825 g
Soft cover

For the first time, the complete writings of Donald W. Winnicott are brought together, compiled, edited, and commented on by a team of Winnicottian scholars. Presented chronologically in 12 volumes, the Complete Works of the English psychoanalyst constitute a set of clinical observations, children's consultations, psychoanalytic texts, correspondence, as well as unpublished works on topics that continue to be of interest to contemporary readers (such as mental health in childhood, motherhood, or her concepts of "good enough mother" and "transitional object"). In these Complete Works the reader will be able to find an introduction to each volume by specialists in the work of Winnicott, which in this first volume is by Ken Robinson, preceded by a general introduction to the Complete Works by its editors Lesley Caldwell and Helen Taylor Robinson, who have also done an exhaustive work of more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Cartas a la familia escritos pediatricos y la defensa maniaca 1911 1939

ISBN: 9789569441394
Precio de lista: $790.00
Descuento: 15%