Charles de Brosses (Dijon, 1709-1770) is one of the brightest prosists in his century. Thanks to the erudition of him was one of the greatest collors of the Encyclopedia, whose contributions were essential in history, linguistics, geography, art, politics and music. Known as president of Brosses was one of the most influential politicians in pre-revolutionary France, as well as the first president of the Burgundy Parliament.
On Saturday, May 30, 1739, Brosses left Italy, on a trip to study and pleasure that would last until the spring of 1740. In Bologna he met Pope Clemente, chemist Beccari and Astronomer Zanotti; He departed in Florence with the Certi scholars and Niccolini. He visited Modena to the Muratori historian. He became friends with Vivaldi, he heard Tartini, ate with the king of England, argued in Latin with the sapying Agnesi, he rendered visit the courtesans of Ve...read more