Conductas de riesgo

De los juegos de la muerte a los juegos del vivir

Conductas de riesgo - David Le Breton - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

“Thinking about the body is thinking about the world” he wrote in another of his books, and it is from this perspective that he conducts his research, analyzing “Risk Behaviors” within the framework of the body-individual-society relationship.

The interpretations that the individual makes of his own body and of the world constitute the position that supports the "meaning of life" for each actor, placing it subjectively in front of himself and others. He traces a path where he proposes that in risk behaviors, what is put at stake is the body, in order to resolve the psychological discomfort produced by the interpretation of reality that each one makes from their place in the society in which they live.

Putting yourself at risk has different meanings at different ages, situations and for each individual. Le Breton compares the bravado and transgressions of young people, more


Book: Conductas de riesgo

ISBN: 9789871185368