As much as "The confessions of a beautiful soul" constitute a literary text, it contains an undoubted philosophical interest, at least judging by the extension of the concept of "beautiful soul" in the philosophy of the eighteenth century. It can be found, for example, in Rousseau, Zinzendorf, Hemsterhuis or Wieland and later in Hegel and Schiller, as well as Goethe himself. However, its origin must go back to Plato. The history of the concept is curious: from Plato it passes to Plotinus, from Plotinus to Saint Augustine and from there to the German mysticism of the late Middle Ages and to the Spanish religious literature of the 16th and 17th centuries.
But what is a "beautiful soul"? In general, and regardless of the many and subtle nuances that the question has, a "beautiful soul" is one that tends to good by itself, by nature and without apparent effort or contradiction with ...read more