Contemplar la nada

Un camino alterno hacia la comprensión del ser

Contemplar la nada - Héctor Sevilla - Itaca
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g

Nothingness is the space conducive to powers, beginnings, the birth of new ideas, creativity, mental dexterity, understanding and speech; It is analogously present in zero, in emptiness, in change, in movement, in substantial modifications, in silence, in losses and in meaninglessness. It is there, in the nothingness that contemporary man still has, where he must reconstruct himself to achieve his fullness. The consideration of nothingness implies a new perspective, an alternative perspective, a vision different from the conventional one. That, being a swimmer, is what this work suggests. In its pages, the reader will find a model to understand existence and what happens in it, a support from which to intimately assume that denying oneself is the only way to affirm oneself, that leaving is a way of being, that destroying oneself is a way of building and that not being is also a more


Book: Contemplar la nada

ISBN: 9786079764203