With this edition, the Spanish reader has the opportunity to see first-hand the dialogue between two of the most important philosophical voices of the twentieth century. In the 1920s, Hannah Arendt went to the university where Heidgger taught. It was then when between the professor and the student a loving relationship was established that it would be decisive in their lives and philosophical thoughts. The Correspondence is divided into three parts, corresponding to three periods (1925-1932, 1950-1965, 1966-1975), thus being a vivid testimony of the political vicissitudes in which the philosophers lived - Heidegger was a member of the NSDAP, while that Hannah Arendt was forced to flee Germany because of her Jewish status and political convictions. This epistolariono only allows to deepen in the personality and the philosophical positions of the authors, but it is also a journey throug...read more