For the first time in Spanish the correspondence between two giants of the French letters: Albert Camus and René Char.
The fraternal friendship that united Albert Camus and René Char was known, but thanks to this correspondence to the end we can aquilatat their authentic value and what undoubtedly gathered these two creators: the encounter and recognition, in a time of unreasonable and excessive , of two works that fully coincided. A luminous way, between Ventoux and Luberon, to give the reason to Julien Gracq when he sensed that, with the passage of time, "they would approach, in the significance of their works, two friends whose silhouettes have been able to seem different."
I think that our fraternity, which manifests itself in all planes, goes much further than we both think and even what we feel. More and more we will be a nuisance for the frivolity of the exploiters...read more