Correspondencia Elisabeth de Bohemia y René Descartes

Un uppercut al dualismo

Correspondencia Elisabeth de Bohemia y René Descartes - Marie Bardet - Cactus
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Weight: 59.5 g
Soft cover

Once again, perhaps the last, to enter into one of the knots of Western philosophy, the Cartesian dualism. Knot that continues to squeeze many of our ways of doing, thinking, looking ... But enter from the side: the epistolary relationship between René Descartes and Elisabeth de Bohemia, who knows its heyday in the five letters exchanged between May and July 1643. Great reader of his treatises, Elisabeth, "Princess Philosopher", insists on asking how the soul moves the body and the body moves the soul if one is immaterial (inextensible) and the other is material (extensive). Cornered by the obstinacy of these questions by moving and feeling, Descartes recognizes the soul "an extension" that opens a gap in the construction of his own philosophy. This new translation presents the fruitful paradoxes of a co-extending immateriality that arise from the epistolary relationship, and a more


Book: Correspondencia Elisabeth de Bohemia y René Descartes

ISBN: 9789873831287
Precio de lista: $230.00
Descuento: 20%