De la magia. De los vínculos en general

De la magia. De los vínculos en general - Giordano Bruno - Cactus
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Someone has been burned in 1600. It is suspected that his cosmological ideas irritated the Church. Such is the comfortable autopsy that subsists until today. But one suspects that it had been burned two centuries later in new courts, with another science or four centuries later, who knows. Giordano Bruno scattered thoughts that burn themselves at all times.
Magic (1588) functions as a kind of practical confirmation of a first intuition that had traveled all his -vida- work: the spiritual continuity of the universe. Example Bruno: It is said that an instrument in lambskin, as in the presence of a drum in wolf skin loses its loudness (...) it is that the spirit that is in the skin of the dead animal is able to overcome and submit to the other, while part of the antipathy and the desire for domination who lived in live animals.
Before frowning, laughing. Is not it true ?, more



Book: De la magia. De los vínculos en general

ISBN: 9789872100087
Precio de lista: $365.00
Descuento: 20%