De senectute política

Carta sin respuesta a Cicerón

De senectute política - Pedro Olalla - Acantilado
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«It is precisely this other consolation in the face of old age [...] that moves me [...] to now address this long letter to you from Athens. […]. You have made it clear in your work, by telling us that the difficulties of old age do not come so much from age as from the character and vital attitude of people, that aging is, to a high degree, an ethical endeavor; And now I want us to reflect on whether or not the fact that our society is organized and empowered to make this endeavor possible does not also make aging a political purpose. Senescence has existed since man existed; But, unlike what happened in Cicero's time, our societies have lost the ability to think about old age without associating it with decrepitude. In this unanswered letter, Pedro Olalla engages in a vivid dialogue with an ancient thinker as committed to the destiny of his community as he is and, thereby, proves more


Book: De senectute política

ISBN: 9788417346041
Precio de lista: $455.00
Descuento: 25%