Delincuentes peligrosos

Delincuentes peligrosos -  AA.VV. - Trotta
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The fascination with the criminal phenomenon and reflection on the most appropriate way for punishment accompany the human being throughout history. But recently, only the most serious crimes have become a mass spectacle thanks to the media and the immediacy with which social networks broadcast their reality. This helps to socialize and amplify a permanent sense of danger, especially in those cases where the sentence seems insufficient to contain further recidivism taken for certain.

This book is about rigorous treatment of criminal endangerment and to relevance that should be granted to deciding the intensity and shape of the penal response. It should only be punished for the act committed or should also bear in mind the future dangerousness of the author? New trends in criminal policy point to be taken into consideration that dangerous, creating many problems when specifying more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Derecho

Book: Delincuentes peligrosos

ISBN: 9788498795561
Precio de lista: $415.00
Descuento: 25%