Desmantelamiento de la ciudadanía

Políticas de terror en la frontera norte

Desmantelamiento de la ciudadanía -  AA.VV. - Ediciones Eón
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Eón
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

The social insecurity, widespread violence and impunity prevailing in Ciudad Juárez cannot be understood from approaches that simplify the complexity of the recent life and history of that border town. In this book we will present some reflections on the risks and fear of living in this border town. These considerations imply a conception of the use of spaces, in which the state that guards citizens' rights, the economy of enjoyment and the policies of terror can be analyzed. These three factors intersect to give us a devastating view of the city, where violence, insecurity, impunity and corruption dominate public space and the political sphere.

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Desmantelamiento de la ciudadanía

ISBN: 9786079124168
Precio de lista: $149.00
Descuento: 30%