Dios vive en la ciudad

Hacia una nueva pastoral urbana a la luza de Aparecida y del proyecto misionero de Francisco

Dios vive en la ciudad - Carlos María Galli - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 560 g
Rustic with flaps

Inspired by the ideas of the conference in Aparecida, Galli presents a proposal for a new urban ministry, as more and more people live in the world's megacities.

The statement "God lives in the town 'comes from the final document of Aparecida (A 514). From it, the Argentine theologian Mary Galli Carlos invites us to think, from the faith and the Gospel, God's presence in urban environments.

In light of the spirit of the Conference of Aparecida, Galli says that faith not only discovers God in the places of their presence, but also in the signs of their absence. Because, really, God does not live in the countryside or the city. The dwelling of God is rather in their identification, by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, to men, even in its most contradictory experiences. "The shadows that mark everyday life of cities, for example, violence, poverty, individualism and exclusion c...read more


Category: All >> Religion >> Christianity

Book: Dios vive en la ciudad

ISBN: 9788425434006
Precio de lista: $1,005.00
Descuento: 30%