Divertimentos filosóficos

Divertimentos filosóficos - Ricardo Parellada - Escolar y mayo
Publisher name: 
Escolar y mayo
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

"The philosophical amusements are small essays that try to combine nonchalance and metaphysical analysis. Those gathered here have appeared for the last few years on the blog Debate Callejero, a fabulous virtual gathering. These amusements deal with very diverse topics: political and economic news ( agricultural protectionism,
tax on financial transactions), social and sports news (Sanfermines, the Olympic Games), education (the contrast between executives and teachers, the philosophy in the last educational law) or bioethics (abortion, the sale of organs). Other articles discuss recent books that help us understand our world. And in
some of them pay special attention to the effect of new virtual phenomena on venerable realities in our lives, such as personal identity or love correspondence."


Book: Divertimentos filosóficos

ISBN: 9788416020546