El amor y occidente

El amor y occidente - Denis de Rougemont - Kairós
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

"Gentlemen, would you like to hear a beautiful tale of love and death?" Nothing in the world could please us more. Effectively; this beginning of Tristan and Isolde, in one of its primitive versions, is the prototype of the beginning of a novelesque story. It establishes the concordance between love and death; It awakens in us the deepest resonances.

Love and death, mortal love: if it is not all poetry, it is at least all that is popular, all that is universally emotional, in our literatures. Happy love has no history. Only mortal love is novelistic; Only love threatened and condemned by one's life can be exalted by lyricism. It is a verifiable fact: Western man, through his literature and lyrics, loves at least as much what he destroys as what ensures "the happiness of the spouses". Where can such a contradiction come from? If the secret of the crisis of marriage lies in the l...read more



Book: El amor y occidente

ISBN: 9788472452763
Precio de lista: $640.00
Descuento: 15%