El año mil

El año mil - Georges Duby - Gedisa
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

A society terrified by the imminence of the end of the world: this image of the Year One Thousand remained alive for many centuries and even persists in the present. As an antidote to unconscious superstitions, these first decades of the new century are more than conducive to analyzing the mentality of the end of the first millennium. With the triumphs of humanism, the first descriptions of the terrors of the Year One Thousand appear in the 15th century, reflecting the Renaissance contempt for that barbarism, opposed to the idealized classical antiquity. This image is due in part to the lack of consistency of the historical testimonies, but to obtain a more precise canvas, Georges Duby expands the field of observation, studying the strip of just over half a century that surrounds the Year One Thousand. Europe at that time was emerging from a deep depression. However, for the generatio...read more


Book: El año mil

ISBN: 9788416919895
Precio de lista: $445.00
Descuento: 20%