¿Es real la realidad?

¿Es real la realidad? - Paul Watzlawick - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 345 g

The most dangerous self-delusion is the belief that there is only one reality. In fact, there are countless versions of reality and can get quite opposite each other. All of which are the result of the communication. Paul Watzlawick says that in human relationships and the interpretation of these simple truths do not exist, and what "normal" in a culture, and even in different cultures, is the lack of any consistency, but the diversity of forms action and interpretation of specific individuals. With this, what is real for some, may not be for others. With a pleasant, conversational style and a large number of examples from diverse fields, the author describes, exposes or translated into a language easily understood by the complex problems of the conception of reality and accommodation to it.


Book: ¿Es real la realidad?

ISBN: 8425410827
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%