El arte de amar

La pasión eterna en las parejas

El arte de amar - Francesco Alberoni - Gedisa
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 345.9 g
Soft cover

Many are still convinced that there is an obligatory path of love that begins with falling in love and passion, but then declines and is extinguished in everyday coexistence, when it does not end in betrayal and divorce. But they are wrong. This book shows that the most intense happiness and pleasure are possible only in the great erotic love that preserves the freshness of infatuation, the ardor of passion and that, instead of weakening, intensifies with the passing of the years. We must once again give the word love its fullest, most authentic meaning. Because true love is revelation, admiration, adoration and fusion with something that transcends us and gives a new meaning to the world. Only total love knows how to give us the thrill of the absolute, the amazement of the new, the terror of loss and a mysterious, wonderful and divine happiness. The great erotic love is obtained by a...read more


Category: All >> Psychology >> Sexuality

Book: El arte de amar

ISBN: 9788497849098
Precio de lista: $320.00
Descuento: 20%