El Arte de escribir y lo político

El Arte de escribir y lo político - Claude  Lefort - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 465 g

The advent of democracy demonstrates the historical and political condition of the man who even in its modern phase fails to decrypt the keys to their identity. It is in the running of the democratic experience that modern man is becoming more political and less atavistic, awakening the consciousness of a growing identity in which veils fall only to find others. In "The art of writing and politics," Claude Lefort unmasks the old obsession of philosophy by pure thought and their blindness to their work of expression and production of a work in which thought is sought through the writing then reveals and try to time.


Book: El Arte de escribir y lo político

ISBN: 8425424953
Precio de lista: $885.00
Descuento: 50%