El Autismo

Aproximación nosogràfico-descriptiva y apuntes psicopedagógocos

El Autismo - Jesús  Garanto Alós - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 210 g

Nosographic-descriptive approach and psycho notes that the teacher's work Garanto Jesus has done for a long time with a group of educators, teachers and psychologists is finally reflected in the pages that present and enclosing a serious study of autism. The author begins his work with the attempt, first, to clarify the "fact" and if possible to define the concept and its possible pathological causes. In this aspect of the matter is a variety of opinions, hypotheses or theories that we believe today, none are disposable. And on this little we know, begins the agonizing question of what we do for our autistic children, without neglecting any possibility. In light of the experiences and reported, outlines the qualities of the educator who wants to enter the field of autism. Grant's work is so useful for those who wish to start is the specialty, and those who work or have worked in this ...read more


Book: El Autismo

ISBN: 8425413672
Precio de lista: $465.00
Descuento: 50%