El buddhismo

Introducción a su historia y sus enseñanzas

El buddhismo - Donald S. Lopez - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 453.6 g
Soft cover

This is a particular book since it offers us a demystified and rigorous vision of the multiple Buddhist traditions existing throughout Asia and throughout the centuries. Here, we do not find the Buddhism with which the West dreams. On the contrary, in this work Buddhism speaks for itself, with its own stories and anecdotes, from its historical and legendary characters, from its canonical writings and its apocryphal texts, and in its multiple languages ​​and faces originating in India. , Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tibet, China or Japan. Nor is this another manual of Buddhism that, as if it were a manual of mechanics, exposes one after the other the "essential" principles of Buddhism. In Buddhism. Introduction to its history and its teachings, Donald S. Lopez adopts an overall and transversal vision of Buddhism, which presents us as a living reality, with shades and in constant evolution, not...read more


Category: All >> Religion >> Oriental

Book: El buddhismo

ISBN: 9788472457065
Precio de lista: $660.00
Descuento: 15%