El Cine en su laberinto

El Cine en su laberinto - Héctor Freire - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

From the origin of the oldest civilization, to the appearance of the avant-garde of the 20th century, artists have been interested in the problem of establishing a relationship of kinship between the arts, their mutual influences, interferences and comparative relationships, for example, between the colors of the paintings and the sounds of the words; the musicality and rhythm of a poem and its parallelism with a painting or a film. The affinities between certain writers, painters or film directors. Cinematographic scripts and films that are "born" from a literary text and its intimate relationship with aspects of a certain society. Stories, novels or paintings that are the result of a strong stimulus to the imagination, from the projection of a film.

Icon painters were called "iconographers" because they were considered more "writers" than painters. The icon was actually a tex...read more


Book: El Cine en su laberinto

ISBN: 9789871185306