One of the great literary exponents of Russian science fiction.
The hyperboloid of Engineer Garin is one of the most recognized works of Russian science fiction, and his author, Alexéi Tolstói, one of his highest representatives. It relates the perverse Plan of Fr. Garin, an engineer who ambitions to dominate the world thanks to one of the inventions of him, a super-test ray capable of annihilating any objective that is proposed: the "hyperboloid". In the aspirations for putting under the control of him the five continents, Tolstoi reflects the feared triumph of fascism and anticipates the clash of capitalism and communism, as well as the crisis that Europe will live after World War II. And for it he puts at stake, next to the histrionic Garin, some characters who roan the caricaturesque and, often, the absurd: the attractive Zoa Monroz; Rolling, an American magnate of the chem...read more