El laberinto de la ayahuasca

Investigaciones sobre el chamanismo y las medicinas indígenas

El laberinto de la ayahuasca - Manuel Almendro - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 892 g
Soft cover

Why do so many people search in remote jungles and mountains for an experience that breaks with their ordinary life? An experience that, at times, provides wisdom but, at other times, involves being buried in hell.

In this book, Manuel Almendro synthesizes almost forty years of coexistence and scientific research with healers, healers and shamans of the Peruvian Amazon jungle and the Mexican Sierra Mazateca. With a solid academic rigor, but at the same time sprinkled with personal stories that give credibility and amenity to the text, the author introduces us to indigenous worldviews, in the historical contexts of shamanism and delves into the research that is being carried out on the traditional indigenous medicines. It is a critical reflection that highlights the decline and abuse of plant takings that are causing death and widespread desolation, while delving into the therap...read more


Book: El laberinto de la ayahuasca

ISBN: 9788499886312
Precio de lista: $830.00
Descuento: 15%