The young narrator of this hilarious novel arrives in a big city to work in a peculiar company located in a glass palace with a pointed ceiling. The director is Dr. Max, an eccentric character, melancholic, neurotic and angry, who runs his company through complex psychological mechanisms based on a very simple premise: that all employees are objects of their property, a question that the protagonist understands from the beginning : "My happiness seemed precarious, but now it is consolidating. What makes me happy above anything else is to have become Dr. Max's property. " Around Dr. Max appear personages own of a classic fable; His father, Dr. Saturno, whom he seeks to replace as head of the company; His mother, Dr. Uraza, and his fiancee, Minnie, who expresses himself with onomatopoeic sounds. Doctor Max also has the help of Lotario, the caretaker, who administers the young employee more